A slower, shorter style of event, ideally suited for older machines.
All IHC members welcome, riding any motorcycle.
Backup (Charles mob: 0429773497) will accompany this ride, so take an old bike out for an outing.
Details of Friday’s Tortoise ride as follows:
Looks as if we might be lucky with the weather again as we have a fine day forecast at this stage.
Tortoise Ride Friday July 12th 2024
To Evedon Park for morning tea
Start Dolphin Centre car park 0900
Willinge Drive, Boyanup-Picton Rd past Dardanup
T/L Dillon Rd / Crooked Brook Rd
T/L Ironstone Rd
T/R Ferguson Rd, proceed to Gnomesville
T/L Gnomesville roundabout
T/R King Tree Rd
T/L Wellington Forest Rd
T/LPile Rd
T/R Henty Rd
T/R at Evedon Park Sign and follow signs to Evedon Park for morning tea
Home - Return to Henty Rd and turn left
T/R Pile Rd
T/R Ferguson Rd and proceed to Dardanup
T/R Boyanup-Picton Rd and return to Picton
Willinge Drive back to start at Dolphin Centre
Ross Eaton