A slower, shorter style of event, ideally suited for older machines.
All IHC members welcome, riding any motorcycle.
Backup (Charles mob: 0429773497) will accompany this ride, so take an old bike out for an outing.
Tortoise Ride Friday June 14th.
To Boyanup Bakery for morning tea.
Depart Dolphin Centre car park 0900
Willinge Drive, Boyanup-Picton Rd to Dardanup
T/L Ferguson Rd
T/L Pile Rd
T/R Wellington Forest Rd
T/R King Tree Rd
T/R Wellington Mills Rd
T/R Ferguson Rd
T/L Ironstone Rd
T/R Crooked Brook Rd - Dillon Rd
T/L Boyanup-Picton Rd, proceed to Boyanup Bakery for morning tea
Return to Bunbury via Boyanup-Picton Rd, Willinge Drive
Charles will be providing trailer back-up, so rub an oily rag over the old bike and come along on Friday.
Ross Eaton.