Club (Bunbury) Inc.
Please note that events may be changed or cancelled at short notice. Always check here first. Some events are run by other clubs and organisations and the Indian Harley Club has no responsibility for these.
This event is open to all IHC Members and Members of other "Historic Clubs" riding Norton Single Cylinder Machines ONLY.
Backup will be provided.
Update for Norton singles weekend 18 - 19 May 2024.
This year's venue for the start & finish of the event will be the Drakesbrook Hotel Motel, S/West Hwy, Waroona.
There is ample vehicle & trailer parking, also accommodation is available there, so book now and reserve a room. Further accommodation is at the Waroona Caravan Village, other end of town, also at the Waroona Hotel.
Our evening dinner will be held at the Drakebrook Hotel Motel, at your cost on the night, plus the bar will open usual hours.
Come along and enjoy a night of Norton fellowship.
Regards Huw.
Good Evening All
The long anticipated wait for this year entry form has arrived.
Please see attached. Morning tea will be provided in park next to pub Dwellingup and lunch at your expense will be back in Dwellingup
The Drakesford Hotel in Waroona has block bookings available for riders so you will need to contact them direct to secure a room Ph 08 9733 1566 or Waroona Caravan Village on 08 9733 1518. Or you can make alternative arrangements.
Be ready for Saturday night quiz!
Norton 2024 entry form.pdf