This event is run by IHC members in the Busselton area - but members from any area are welcome, riding any motorcycle.
No backup provided.
To Busselton IHC Mob Members
Next Mid-Week ride --- Wednesday 3rd May 2023. Our leader Peter Mitchell is away until sometime in June, so you get me. Sorry. But I also will be away for the next ride - 17th May - so I'm looking for a stand-in leader. Don't be shy, come forward, great fun telling people where to go.
Start location --– Caltex Causeway, Busselton 8.30AM for a 9.00AM departure. The weather forecast; sunny, light winds. 0.00% chance of rain, expected to be a comfortable 23.
This ride will to Balingup, via back roads ex Busselton to Boyanup, then more great roads through the Ferguson Valley, Charlie Creek, Brookhampton, Kirup-Grimwade to morning tea etc
See the attached map. distance from start to finish = 140klms
To Bunbury IHC Mob Members
The planned ride allows for a short cut - Boyanup. Pick up point, opposite the bakery in the main street
Other Club Events
Next Busso Turtle Ride - Friday 12th May 2023
See link to the Club's web site below.
Ride Map
Cheers, John Lewin
Phone: (08) 9754 7007 Mob# 0438 813 861
Email: john@lewin.com.au
Skype: John.Lewin
Residence: 2 Bottlebrush Gardens
West Busselton WA 6280