A slower, shorter style of event, ideally suited for older machines.
No backup provided, but all IHC members are welcome, riding any motorcycle.
To Busselton IHC Mob Members
Next Turtle ride --- Friday 28th April.
Start location --– Caltex Causeway, Busselton 8.30am for a 9.00am departure. The weather forecast; partly cloudy, no risk of rain. Perfect April riding weather.
Destination -- – not telling --- because it’s a mystery ride. It will be led by Darryl Warner, the master of all good club events. But you can have faith in knowing the destination will be local and all the Turtle Ride Rules will be stringently followed.
To Bunbury IHC Mob Members
You are very welcome to join us at Busselton. Regret, no short cuts are possible.
Other Club Events
The next Busso Mob Mid-Week ride will be Wednesday 3rd May. The usual broadcast email will be sent out on the prior Monday.
Other club rides – please click on the following link
Cheers, John Lewin
Phone: (08) 9754 7007 Mob# 0438 813 861
Email: john@lewin.com.au
Skype: John.Lewin
Residence: 2 Bottlebrush Gardens
West Busselton WA 6280