EOI for website.v2.pdf
We are pleased to announce that we are now open for expressions of interest for the 2022 National Vehicle Rally hosted by the Veteran & Classic Car Club of WA on behalf of TAVCCA based in Busselton WA .
For Veteran Car Club of WA members, on the club website, select "Events & Calendars" then "2022 National Veteran Rally" then "Register your interest" and fill in the required details.
Please note when you are finished you will see the message below:
For NON VCCWA Members, the first step is to log your details with the system. You do this by going to the VCCWA website and, on the blue menu bar, selecting "Events & Calendars" then, select "Non Members - Log your Details first". Fill in the required details and follow the prompts. Once you have confirmed your details you will get a screen with your name at the top right hand corner. This confirms that you are successfully logged into the club site.
Now, go back to the Blue menu bar and select select "Events & Calendars" then "2022 National Veteran Rally" then "Register your interest" and fill in the required details.
Please note when you are finished you will see the message below:
Once you have registered, you can go back to the menu and you will find further information about the rally and also some of the available accommodation options.
There are 2 documents attached to this email, one is the EOI information (much the same as what is on the website), and, the other is a guide to the registration process on the website.
If you need assistance, contact the Rally Director on busso2021@gmail.com or phone 0484 700 086
Hoping to see you all in 2022
Peter Hume
Rally Director
Attached are 2 documents, one is a step by step guide to the process outlined above, and the second is some information about the rally. The rally information is also available on the club website. Just select from the blue menu bar: "Events & Calendars" then "National Veteran Rally" then select "Rally Information" or "Rally Accommodation"
We are eagerly waiting to see as many entries as possible next year!