All IHC members welcome. "Historic Motorcycles" for the static display preferable, but if you wish to ride your modern to the show & display it....then no problem.
A short ride to Bridgetown from Nannup via the Brockman Hwy for a static display at the show.
Riders on code 404 bikes, wishing to ride to Nannup, can meet at the IHC President’s house at 54 South Western Highway, Boyanup, (opposite the bowling club) for a 7.45am departure.
The proposed route will follow South West Highway to Kirrup, then to Nannup via Cundinup Road, where we will link up with members leaving from Nannup at 0900.
Backup will accompany the ride from Boyanup - Nannup - Bridgetown - Boyanup.