This event is run by IHC members in the Busselton area - but members from any area are welcome, riding any motorcycle.
No backup provided.
Ride Map
To IHC Busselton Mob Members
Please see our supreme leader Peter Mitchell’s email blow. The “mystery” ride will be to Balingup via Boyanup and then great back-roads. A good 116klm ride with many ride-home options. The weather; well it isn’t too flash if you believe the BOM. A mere 75% chance of some showers. So rug up, wear all the rain stuff and that will make it sunny. The usual, 8.40am for a 9.00am departure.
Ride Map – See attached file
To IHC Bunbury Mob Members
Rejoice, a short cut option is begging. Meet at Boyanup, Fettlers Park, Bridge Street, opposite the Bull & bush Teven. Say about 9.30amish.
To Keith Mead
Pick your start option. Easy ride home to Manjimup, just for you mate.
Next Busso Mob Rides.
Tortoise Rides : 2nd & 4th Friday of the month, so 26th August it is. Blast off time is 9.00am Puma, Causeway.
Mid week Rides : Usually 1st & 3rd Wednesdays. But, if there are 5 Wednesdays in a month, then 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays.
And guess what, there are 5 Wednesdays in August. So ………… the next Mid weeker, after this week’s ride, is 31st August. And for these 5 Wednesdays months we drawn on our 5th week specialist leader, Tony Griffiths, who has volunteered again to help out.
Cheers, John Lewin
Phone: (08) 9754 7007 Mob# 0438 813 861
Email: john@lewin.com.au
Skype: John.Lewin
Residence: 2 Bottlebrush Gardens
West Busselton WA 6280