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  • Australia Day Breakfast & Ride


Club (Bunbury) Inc.

Please note that events may be changed or cancelled at short notice. Always check here first. Some events are run by other clubs and organisations and the Indian Harley Club has no responsibility for these.

Australia Day Breakfast & Ride

  • 26 Jan 2022
  • 7:00 AM
  • Boyanup Memorial Park, South West Highway, Boyanup


Just advising that the up and coming AUSTRALIA DAY BREAKFAST is being held at  Memorial Park, Boyanup & not FETTLERS PARK as is usual. Also remember this event  should be way larger than normal as it is also the citizenship awards for the shire, so you will be requested to sign in or scan Covid QR & also a face mask is required.  THIS IS NOT AN OPTION.  All bikes and vintage cars will be parked in the driveway between the memorial  and the outer gate & you will enter from the Thomas St entrance and leave via the highway exit. Lots of shade is available & we can all still enjoy  the morning even if we have to wear masks. Remember to dig deep for your Lions Charity as the cost of conducting this event has gone crazy.   PLEASE ENJOY.   

Sharon Rudler

This event is open to all IHC members, riding any motorcycle, but "Historic" preferred for the bike display.

Backup will be provided.

Route sheet  Straya Day 2022.pdf

Details to be confirmed, but the Lions Club usually serve  breakfast from 7.00am for a donation towards charity. Entertainment may be provided. Bike & car display as well, with the actual ride heading off at 9.00am.

Hi John,

Kelly has brought to my attention that the Australia Day Run start point needs to be changed.

The breakfast for this year will be held at the Boyanup Memorial Park, (which is where the Boyanup Markets are held) opposite the Capel Rd turnoff.  

The Lions Club are working in conjunction this year with the Capel Shire for the Australian Citizenship ceremony to be held after the breakfast.

Could you please change on the website.



To IHC Busselton Mob Members

We can join the Bunbury Australia Day ride this Wednesday 26th January. 

  Destination is Boyanup for an Australia Day breakfast cooked by the Lions Club

The start location --– Puma Causeway, Busselton at 7am for breakfast at Memorial Park Boyanup from 7.30, followed at 9am by a ride to Wellington Dam and back to Dardanup for coffee. If you don't want breakfast, meet at the Puma at 8am and ride to Boyanup and meet up.

Cheers, Peter Mitchell

Phone: 0427 544202

Email: pmitchell47@icloud.com

Residence: 46 Keel Retreat

  Geographe WA 6280

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