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  • Bunbury Mid Week AM


Club (Bunbury) Inc.

Please note that events may be changed or cancelled at short notice. Always check here first. Some events are run by other clubs and organisations and the Indian Harley Club has no responsibility for these.

Bunbury Mid Week AM

  • 29 Sep 2021
  • 9:00 AM
  • Little Theatre (Eaton Hall), Pratt Road, Eaton


                                   : VICE CAPTAIN WILL BE UNAVAILABLE.

This ride is open to all IHC members, riding any motorcycle.

No backup provided. 

Something different for this ride in that we will be revisiting the origins of how these mid week rides were conducted initially.

Members can participate in a group discussion in relation to a ride destination & route at the riders briefing on the morning. A decision will be reached by a majority vote. Obviously, no route sheets will be needed & corner markers will only be used in the event of a complicated course & any members not knowing the way to the destination.

Please have a think about where you would like to go for this ride & have some input at the rider's meeting.

The following has been pasted for member's information, from the Club Information Booklet which is listed under the documents section on the IHC website:

Midweek Runs

Midweek runs occur as an AM run and a PM run. These take place on a Wednesday, dependent on the weather they alternate from AM to PM. Check newsletter calendar for dates. In contrast to the weekend events, these are a casual ride. Route and destination are decided at the commencement of the event. No back up trailer is provided for these runs

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