This event is not run by The Indian Harley Club but is included on our calendar of events for the benefit of any club members who may wish to participate.

Arthur Grady Ride and Display Fremantle Heritage Festival
Saturday 28 May 2016
The Arthur Grady Ride and Display is an extremely popular event with over 200 bikes from all eras taking part and lots of interest from the general public.
The event celebrates the feats of Arthur Grady who in 1924 became the first person to ride a motorcycle around Australia. He set off from the Fremantle Town Hall returning five months later to a rousing reception and a place in the history books.
The day will feature a running replica of the bike Arthur rode on his epic adventure as well as lots of information and pictures of his ride.
The City of Fremantle will be closing William Street (the road around the Town Hall. In addition to the bikes in the square, William Street will be filled with displays by the Machine Preservation Society, The Hand Tool Preservation Society, the vintage Commercial Vehicle Society, The Bus Preservation Society, the vintage pram society, vintage bicycle club of WA,SIVA and many other clubs.
The centre of the event will remain the motorcycles and the area directly in front of the town hall will be set aside for pre 31 bikes. The day always sees a big turnout of these fantastic machines.
The event however remains open to all motorcycles from all eras. And post 31 bike will be displayed as in previous years through the square. I would encourage you all to take part in what is rapidly becoming one of WA’s great motorcycle gatherings.
Running order for the Day
08:00hrs – 11:00hrs
Bikes/displays may be set up in Kings Square. (see below for Trailer, van and ute parking instructions ) There will be three main sections in the Square Pre 1931, 1931 – 1988 and 1988 – present
Ride from Hilton Park Bowling club leaves for Kings Square (see details below)
All utes, trailers and vans (any other vehicles not on display) clear of Kings Square
Arthur Grady Ride Departs Kings Square (pre 1955 only)
Arthur Grady Ride Returns to Kings Square
12:30hrs – 15:00hrs
Display in progress enjoy the displays, BBQ and camaraderie
Parking Instructions
Any one bringing bikes/displays/other vehicles to Kings Square on trailers, in vans or utes that will need to drop off in Kings Square prior to 11:00hrs
Hilton Park Bowling Club
Hilton Park Bowling Club will be open from 08:00hrs for trailer, ute van parking for people who would rather park outside of Fremantle and take a short ride into town.
There will be an organised ride departing Hilton Park to Kings Square at 10:00hrs arriving in time to join the main ride around Fremantle at 11:30hrs.
The Arthur Grady Ride
This year will see the return of the Arthur Grady Ride. The ride is open to all pre 1955 motorcycles.
Riders to assemble in William Street (beneath the Town Hall Clock) the ride will depart at 11:30hrs. We will ride out of Fremantle along the river to Leeuwin Barracks, returning via Victoria Quay, Cliff Street, Marine Terrace, South Terrace , The Cappuccino Strip, return to Kings Square.
A route Sheet will be available on the day.
If you have further questions please contact:
Alex Marshall
Ph: 9432 9716 (office hours)
Mob: 0405 307 126 (any time)